Enhancing Fire Services in Newfoundland & Labrador since 1964
Learn more about who we are and what we aim to do through our Misison & Vision Statements
Mission & Vision Statements
Learn more about who we are and what we aim to do through our Misison & Vision Statements
Mission & Vision StatementsAdvocacy seeks to ensure that all: (a) Have their voice heard on issues that are important to them. (b) Protect and promote their rights. (c) Have their views and wishes genuinely considered when decisions are being made about their lives.
"If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going."
Maya Angelou
There is strength in numbers! Representing this many departments gives the Association leverage when advocating for ALL firefighters.
There is strength in numbers! Representing this many departments gives the Association leverage when advocating for ALL firefighters.
Support comes in many forms! These members represent the best of what firefighting is all about - Partnership!
The Association seeks to provide up-to-date information to its membership through resources such as...
This secure page provides Association Members access to Documents, Minutes, Policies & Procedures, Association Constitution, and more! Members should contact their Fire Chief or Department head for the current password.
Membership LoginContaining information updates, membership news, resources, and more...
View Online or DownloadThe Association has prioritized ensuring CISM trained personnel are available across the province. We encourage all to learn more about becoming trained or availing of the program for your department.
Learn MoreA listing of Fire Department Members & Information on how you and your Department can Join!