2024 Training School

Date:   March 11, 2024

To:       Fire Department Members, Municipal/LSD
Representatives, First Responders and Emergency Services Personnel

From:  Robert Fowler, Fire Commissioner/Director of Fire Services; Jamie Kennedy, Director of Emergency Services

Re:       Fire and Emergency Services Training School
             Clarenville, May 25-31, 2024

Both Fire Services and Emergency Services Divisions are pleased to announce the dates and location for the 2024 Fire and Emergency Services Training School. The Training School will be held in Clarenville from May 25-31, 2024.

Courses offered through the Training School will provide a wide range of programs, seminars and practical training that should be of interest to fire, municipal/local service district representatives, police and other first responders.

Important: Please see the attached information regarding a revised delivery of the NFPA 1001, Firefighter I training program as it will be offered in a new two-module format at Training School.

Participants may register for as many courses as they wish. Please complete the appropriate application for either Fire Services or Emergency Services courses. A separate form must be completed for each course, with indication if NFPA certification testing is also requested. There is a minimum number of participants established with a registration deadline of May 10, 2024, at which point courses may be cancelled due to low registration.

Please Note: To ensure quality program delivery, a maximum number of participants for each course has also been established. Applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

*NEW*: ALL PARTICIPANTS must complete and return the Training School Liability Waiver Form with your application(s).

There are no course registration fees to attend this training school. Meals, travel, course textbooks and accommodations, however, are the responsibility of the candidate. Firefighters attending must bring Personal Protective Equipment (bunker gear and appropriate ensemble) for themselves and a self- contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), where applicable, if they have a spare SCBA available.

Where SCBA is required for training, all participants must provide proof of fit testing or be fit tested on site.

Some courses require pre-read assignments and/or course manuals. Upon registration, you will be advised of the textbooks required and any pre-read assignments. These manuals can be purchased from the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Fire Services office at (709) 424-6500.

Course locations will be posted at the Clarenville Fire Hall or check the Google Calendar on our website closer to the Training School start date at https://www.gov.nl.ca/jps/fes/training.

For more information, please contact one of our offices at the numbers below:

Deer Lake Ph: 635-4153 Fax: 635-4163
St. John’s Ph: 729-1608 or 729-3703 Fax: 729-2524 or 729-3857
Grand Falls-Windsor


Ph: 292-4414

Ph: 466-4109

Fax: 292-4415

Fax: 466-1306

Happy Valley-Goose Bay Ph: 896-7957 Fax: 896-7956




2024 FES Training School Package

FSD Training Application Form

ESD Training Application Form

Training School Liability Waiver Form